Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 1 - Directional symbols

Pedestrian signs imply a direction in which people will be crossing the road to signal drivers to stop.

(Bottom) is a sources image from google as my camera couldn't zoom in close enough to photograph the actual sign i found (top). Along Parramatta Rd there is this symbol that directs you to the airport. This is a great symbol as not only does it point you where to go but clearly represents the destination.

This symbol i found in a pet shop in Broadway. I find it a good symbol because it is immediately recognisable and is clearly pointing you to where the fish are in the shop. The word 'fish' i feel isn't necessary when the image is so identifiable.

This is an advertisement for Coles that was on the window but is also displayed in bus stop shelters around the city. Although the hand is not pointing to anything below, it is implying the direction of prices within the store.

I saw this directional symbol at an Internet cafe/hot spot, pointing towards where to get started with headphones etc. Although it is clearly showing which way to go, i don't think it is very successful in encompassing the meaning of the destination.