Week 7 Class Exercise

Pixel Portraits

At first i didn't quite realise how this exercise was relevant to Symbols and Distribution but once i started to do one of them it came to my attention that it wasn't about making the pixel portraits as true to the photos as possible but establishing what is and isn't necessary for you to know who it is - much like a symbol.
I definitely think i got better at each one that i completed because i started to move away from the photos, basing the pixel images on memory as well. This enabled me to show things that may not have been captured photographically but had to be conveyed in able to recognise certain features of the lecturers. For example i exaggerated Lulu's fringe and and the Neil's curl. I found the people with glasses were easier as they immediately had a feature i could work with. Phil was the hardest to depict because there wasn't an immediate feature (and his nose is a bit of a fail on my behalf) but exaggerating his mouth made it look more like him. I actually think it wouldn't have mattered had i not drawn his nose in.
I enjoyed this weeks exercise as it was another application that helped me understand a good symbol is knowing what is and isn't needed in making something identifiable in its simplest form.