Week 9 Class Exercise

Intangible symbols are incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch but this got me thinking that if we are able to create a visualisation of something intangible, we could imagine how a sound would feel if it had a form also. This weeks exercise i tried to create symbols for the following sounds:
1. Rustling
2. Humming
3. White noise
The third one isn't exactly a symbol however i think a lot of people would understand how i feel it relates to the sound. Rustling was more based on the forms of things that create the noise, such as plastic bags and similar objects. Humming has more meaning behind it but its a more subjective approach. To me, humming is a sound but i actually believe it can be perceived by sense of touch when you are the one that is humming. The symbol was inspired by the feeling of vibrations on your lips when you hum. The reason behind the circle is the softness of the noise, circles are a more appropriate representation rather than an angular object.