Week 8 Class Exercise

This is our final poster design after rethinking a few aspects from our first designs. I think for this exercise Felicia and i got a bit ahead of ourselves as we were trying to make a series before we had really developed a branding concept for the initial one. The designs we showed in class were drafts however they weren't showing much potential. I discovered the problem was we were trying to make the poster with the symbol being the main graphic and this was failing overall because although it is a good symbol, its awkward and unbalanced when placed with type. We also encountered this problem when designing our stickers. By reflecting the symbol it sits more comfortably in the bottom right corner and so the new poster directs your eyes so that it is the last thing you see. The imagery chosen is also more confronting as will be more likely to grab attention. This is what we are hoping to achieve with our guerilla advertisement - but more on that later!