Week 2 Class Exercise

This weeks exercise was about recognising and defining the tribe's values and attributes. This was in order to create an identity for our tribe (a brand) and will be represented though our final symbol. Below is our process:

Mind Map
Answers and symbol ideas

More symbol ideas

Because our final word was 'adventure' we started drafting ideas playing on the concept of navigating and scouting with binoculars, compasses and magnifying glasses. We decided to come back to something that directly represented our tribe name 'Ninja's' as it would reflect our personality better. With Ninja Turtles being mine and Felicia's main topic of conversation we thought it would be appropriate as they are adventurous super turtles. Metaphorically, that is us in the design industry (according to us!). So that is the positive aspects of our symbol, however a negative is that it is not recognisable without being informed what its significance is prior to viewing it.