Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Top 3 cause ideas

1. The colour yellow makes people happy. So, why not spread it for goodness sake? This idea could be infectious and we thought of it when Felicia commented on a friends shirt, which was yellow and got us thinking if she would have if it had of been a different colour. Yellow is the colour of smiley faces, sunshine, lemon sherbets (which are delicious), all things that make people happy. Our cause could be based on getting yellow out there and combining it with a smile and hello... or yellow?

2. Thumbs up for turtles! Littering is a massive issue when it comes to damaging the environment but asking people to save the planet it a little big for our cause. Turtles on the other hand could be the face of a new anti-litter campaign as they are severely endangered animals and often die as a result of mistaking plastic bags as jellyfish and choking on them. People would relate to the innocence of a turtle and could really catch on. "Dont litter, think of the turtles!"

3. Public transport is hell at peak hour, however it can be the simplest of things to make or break your day. On the way to uni last week a lady on the train was taking up so much room on a 3 seater and a man was sitting on the edge, when he saw me standing he pushed along the seat and made enough room for me to sit down. I was the happiest person that day! That afternoon it made me sit over for people to pay the gesture forward. Something so simple but it effected my day in such a way that it made me want to continue it, making it a good cause to encourage moving over and making room for people even though it can be awkward.

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