Monday, August 2, 2010

Week 2 - Groups

Ady is a part of a group because of something she loves - dancing. When she was full time at Ed5 International she could be identified as a member of that group of dancers through the company logo. However smaller groups also appear and are mainly determined by what she is wearing. For example when she has point shoes on, she would be grouped as a ballet dancer however she also dances jazz, hip hop and many other styles where her outfit and shoes are completely different.

Tonje will probably kill me if she sees this photo haha. At Billy Blue we all identify as part of a group. Although we don't wear a uniform, there are aspects of how we represent ourselves that reflect the fact we are not only university students, but designers e.g our MacBooks and sketch pads.

Gus in his room, I think its pretty evident that he is a member of the football world and is a part of many groups with in it. Being Argentinian/Italian/Australian he supports a lot of teams. Supporting these teams not only groups him with these countries as a spectator but as pat of a nation (patriotism).

This is my high school uniform which during my school years placed me in a few different categories. With the emblem placed over every jumper and the school colours echoed throughout the uniform, i was very identifiable as a student at McCarthy Catholic College. Attending this school automatically made me a member of a large group of people but a number of other groups too. Being placed into 'house' teams for sport events is an example of this. Being a Catholic high school, i was also categorised into a system of religious beliefs. Already being a Christian, this was my high school of choice however you do not have to be of any particular religion to attend, yet you are still classified as part of that group.

This is Jimmy who works in the Navy. Everyday people can identify that he is part of a group through the many different uniforms he has to wear for different situations and occasions. The medals he wears also categorise him but not only into a group but to have certain qualities of which each medal represents.

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