Sunday, October 10, 2010

Distribution 2

What an awesome day! Although everything was against us - weather, darling harbour security (yes again) we made the most of it and got some really good results. I wont blab on like the first distribution because i dont want to spoil the presentation!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Distribution 1

So the first distribution was extremely successful due to its failure. Confused? Well for the first time out and about Felicia and i decided that because our resources were limited at the time (only having one costume) we wouldn't invest everything into it. This proved to be of great value as a few things happened of which we will consider for the next distribution. It was also a good chance to scope everything our and know definitely everything that is going to take place next time as it would involve our recruits and we didn't want to drag them around still not 100% of how things were going to take place.
We first set up at Town Hall right near the QVB and this was a good location as many people were about. Being a Saturday people had time stop and chat, many taking interest in Felicia being dressed up. There are a lot of Ninja Turtle fans our there! We then ventured to Darling Harbour and discovered the perfect place for our performance (turtle dying scene - hilarious!) of which people reacted well to. We managed to get a lot of people to do the symbol and know it will be even better in our second distribution as our recruits will be there to help us. With just 2 people it was extremely difficult as I was filming attempting to keep the camera steady while carrying many bags and hand out stickers. Not so great. It was all a learning experience though and we are now prepared, pumped and super excited to spread some turtle power!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So after being so cocky in my previous post and then making it to over 360 members, our facebook page went crazy due to an uncontrollable error on facebook's behalf. It then proceeded to send notifications to members repetitively resulting in over 150 people to leave the group. It was extremely annoying as people were getting angry at us thinking we kept sending the notification. After contacting facebook help and reporting the issue, they pretty much told us they couldn't help us. Felicia discussed the best way to approach this without loosing too many people and decided the best way was to delete the group and start a new one and send out new invitations for people to join. In other words start all over again. This problem is also accompanied by the fact our ebay purchases have still not arrived and we will be needing them this weekend, damn you Murphy's law! Lucky we have turtle power to fight this bad luck off, we are staying positive and occupying ourselves with other tasks that need to be completed for the distribution such as the shirts.
Ninja out!

Guerilla ad attempt 1

Before our first main distribution we thought we would firstly test run our little guerilla ad which proved to be very helpful. Apart from getting into trouble with council workers within the fist 5 minutes of trying to dominate a park in Burwood as we were 'not allowed to block a pathway'. Another thing is we definitely underestimated the amount of tape me would need, apparently 15 metres isn't as long as you think it is! Or perhaps we did get just a little carried away. After the photos we had to take it down but we left the sticker on the drain next to the dead turtle (poor cross-eyed turtle) we noticed that the tape is definitely necessary to draw peoples attention as even when people saw the chalk they looked but didn't stop to take it all in. The most attention we drew was when we were actually putting up the tape around the area, which made people wonder what on earth we were doing. After this re-assessment our next attempt will be much more successful. Get excited!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Member update

150 members? NINJA PLEASE!
Today there are 349 members of of save the turtles facebook page and its still growing. Viva la turtle!

Week 9 - Intangible symbols

Symbol of a sound
There was a specifically compelling point in Desiree's lecture this week - that everyone must all be signed up for the same meaning of symbols. I think this is the case with intangible symbols because they are symbolising something that doesn't have a shape or form, it is up to us to use our other senses combined with imagination of what we think the form would be. Everyone's perception of this would differ, however we all seem to associate sound with wave-like shapes. This came to my attention when looking at electronic objects used to project sound e.g. ipod, television and laptop. It is also understood that the more waves (or the bigger) the louder the sound, as can be seen in the photo of my keyboard.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week 8 - Symbol that represents a philosophy

The Eye of Horus is an Egyptian symbol that personifies the goddess Wadjet. It is also associated with royal power and protection and i found it interesting that they used an eye to represent this. This philosophy relates to me personally as when i was little there was an enormous gum tree in our front yard and when Spring came, so did the magpies. Being much younger and fearing getting swooped by the birds it was a known thing that they tended to strike when you weren't looking. Not always being able to look up while walking, my sister and i would draw eyes on empty ice cream containers and wear them on our heads as a means of protecting ourselves.

I found this guy lining up for the ferry to Manly! He was pretty scary looking so I didn't start a conversation with him as to whether his tattoo was philosophical or not!