Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week 8 - Symbol that represents a philosophy

The Eye of Horus is an Egyptian symbol that personifies the goddess Wadjet. It is also associated with royal power and protection and i found it interesting that they used an eye to represent this. This philosophy relates to me personally as when i was little there was an enormous gum tree in our front yard and when Spring came, so did the magpies. Being much younger and fearing getting swooped by the birds it was a known thing that they tended to strike when you weren't looking. Not always being able to look up while walking, my sister and i would draw eyes on empty ice cream containers and wear them on our heads as a means of protecting ourselves.

I found this guy lining up for the ferry to Manly! He was pretty scary looking so I didn't start a conversation with him as to whether his tattoo was philosophical or not!

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