Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Guerilla ad attempt 1

Before our first main distribution we thought we would firstly test run our little guerilla ad which proved to be very helpful. Apart from getting into trouble with council workers within the fist 5 minutes of trying to dominate a park in Burwood as we were 'not allowed to block a pathway'. Another thing is we definitely underestimated the amount of tape me would need, apparently 15 metres isn't as long as you think it is! Or perhaps we did get just a little carried away. After the photos we had to take it down but we left the sticker on the drain next to the dead turtle (poor cross-eyed turtle) we noticed that the tape is definitely necessary to draw peoples attention as even when people saw the chalk they looked but didn't stop to take it all in. The most attention we drew was when we were actually putting up the tape around the area, which made people wonder what on earth we were doing. After this re-assessment our next attempt will be much more successful. Get excited!

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