Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So after being so cocky in my previous post and then making it to over 360 members, our facebook page went crazy due to an uncontrollable error on facebook's behalf. It then proceeded to send notifications to members repetitively resulting in over 150 people to leave the group. It was extremely annoying as people were getting angry at us thinking we kept sending the notification. After contacting facebook help and reporting the issue, they pretty much told us they couldn't help us. Felicia discussed the best way to approach this without loosing too many people and decided the best way was to delete the group and start a new one and send out new invitations for people to join. In other words start all over again. This problem is also accompanied by the fact our ebay purchases have still not arrived and we will be needing them this weekend, damn you Murphy's law! Lucky we have turtle power to fight this bad luck off, we are staying positive and occupying ourselves with other tasks that need to be completed for the distribution such as the shirts.
Ninja out!

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